It is KZUM’s policy to offer free air time in the form of PSAs for local community events and nonprofits. The station welcomes Public Service Announcement submissions community and nonprofit events happening in Lancaster County, as well as for general information about nonprofit organizations in Lancaster County. KZUM does not air PSAs for for-profit endeavors.

PSAs usually air at least twice per hour on KZUM and are played or read at the discretion of the programmer on duty. To guarantee that announcements air at specific times, read information about underwriting KZUM programming.

KZUM creates PSA scripts based on submissions. We look mostly for the who, what, when and where information to create an announcement with a duration of 15-30 seconds.

KZUM reserves the right to determine which PSA submissions will be used on the air and to pull any PSA from the air at any time.

If you have any questions about submitting a PSA, email the KZUM program director or call 402-474-5086, ext. 3.

PSA Submission
Fields marked with an * are required
Event Date
500 of 500 Character(s) left
PSA Submission
Fields marked with an <span class="ninja-forms-req-symbol">*</span> are required
Event Date
500 of 500 Character(s) left