KZUM’s Fall Fund Drive is on!
As you may know, we’ve been celebrating our 40th Anniversary all year long. We will continue to do so during our fund drive as we bring you stories from yesteryear through archival materials. We’ll also catch you up on where your support has taken us, and fill you in on the goals and future projects we have ahead of us. KZUM’s success and it’s continuous impact on the community is only possible when you become an active listener. Please donate now at 402.474.5086 x.1 or here on kzum.org. Meeting our $40,000 goal this week is hugely important, as that will help us to make our gaol for the fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. Falling short of that $300,000 local fundraising goal for the year will put KZUM’s long-running Corporation for Public Broadcasting funding at risk. The CPB is a publicly funded nonprofit, established by Congress to distribute funds to public broadcasters across the country. For at least the last 15 years, KZUM has counted on the CPB’s Community Service Grant as a significant portion of its annual budget. At around $72,000, it currently accounts for close to 20 percent of our annual revenue. A few years ago, the CPB changed the local fundraising requirements for stations to qualify for the grant, in order to prove that each organization is viable in its own community. For KZUM, the local fundraising requirement was raised from $100,000 per year to $300,000. Listeners generously stepped up and set new funding records in both 2016 and 2017, helping KZUM retain that crucial funding. Now, we are asking you to help close the gap on 2018’s funding goal. Raising $40,000 this week will put us in a great position to meet our overall $300,000 goal. Accounting for about 72 percent of total revenue, local support continues to be the number one funding source for KZUM. And, as you can see, that amount helps the station qualify for the next-most significant portion of our revenue, in the form of CPB’s Community Service Grant. We’ll thank you with these exciting gifts at different donor levels! You’ll receive all gifts listed at the level you donate and below: |
$1000 – Full-day sponsorship package (10 announcements to air on a day of your choosing to mark a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion…subject to approval, of course)
$500 – Half-day sponsorship package (5 announcements)
$200 – KZUM 40th Anniversary Hat and T-Shirt
$150 – KZUM 40th Anniversary T-Shirt
$120 – KZUM 40th Anniversary Commemorative 18×24 Poster
$89.30 – KZUM Throwback Reprint T-Shirt
$60 KZUM 40th Anniversary Magnet, 40th Anniversary Mug & Coffee from The Mill
$35 – KZUM Listen Local Patch and Sticker