Events for February 20 - February 16

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Lincoln Poetry Slam!

Larksong Writer's Place 1600 N. Cotner Blvd., Lincoln, NE, United States

Lincoln Poetry Slam! presented by the Nebraska Writers Collective at Larksong Writers Place on Marc [...]

Poetry at the Lion with Lucy Adkins

St. Mark's On The Campus 1309 R Street, Lincoln, NE, United States

Welcome to Poetry at the Lion! All poets and poetry fans are welcome! On the second Friday of each [...]

Poetry at the Lion – Lucy Adkins

St. Mark's On The Campus 1309 R Street, Lincoln, NE, United States

Welcome to Poetry at the Lion! All poets and poetry fans are welcome! Each month, a featured poet w [...]

Potluck Possibilities at the Lion

St. Mark's On The Campus 1309 R Street, Lincoln, NE, United States

Welcome to Potluck Possibilities! Join us on 4th Fridays for a potluck meal at 5:30 pm followed by [...]

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